Single Player

The Single Player Interface can be used for testing the resources and the animation on a local machine.

The "Info" contains the properties of the clicked object. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

By the help of the "Manipulator", the selected/clicked object can be moved to the desired place. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

The "Animation" menu allows controlling of the play of the pre-recorded motions of the objects. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

The animation can be controlled by the pause and stop buttons. The current state of the objects can be toggled to hide/show by the "show headers" checkbox.

The "Screenshot" Button and the "Screencast" Button allow the possiblity to make a picture or a video which will be saved into the installation folder.

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