Multi Player - Teacher

The Teacher User Interface allows the supervisor functionality during a VLFT Gamification Session. Also responsible for allowing the desired interactions with the VR space and its elements. Moreover, the student participants can be guided during the VLFT Gamification Session via the Teacher User Interface.

The "Info" contains the properties of the clicked object. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

By the help of the "Manipulator", the selected/clicked object can be moved to the desired place. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

The "Animation" menu allows controlling of the play of the pre-recorded motions of the objects. This menu element can be toggled to hide/show by the ▽

The animation can be controlled by the pause and stop buttons. The current state of the objects can be toggled to hide/show by the "show headers" checkbox.

The "Screenshot" Button and the "Screencast" Button allow the possiblity to make a picture or a video which will be saved into the installation folder.

The control of the students' can be done by the following buttons: 1: "Attach users" button attaches the students' viewpoint to the teacher's point of view 2: "Log movements" button logs the movement of the student into the installation folder as a log file

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